
LFA政策框架 & 治理




LFA管理委员会- Who's Who




迈克在公共领域担任领导职务已有30年, 私营及志愿机构, 帮助组织更有效地改变和实现其目标. 注册会计师职业上的注册会计师, 他现在是非执行董事, 董事会主席和商业顾问.

迈克是企业公民的联合创始人, the international management consultancy on business responsibility and sustainability, 现在是单反咨询公司的一部分, 他在哪里继续为企业客户提供咨询. In public service he’s been elected as a council leader and later as a London Assembly member, where he was appointed by Mayor Livingstone and reappointed by Mayor Johnson to the London Sustainable Development Commission.

新经济基金会的前财务主管, 如今,他是商业道德研究所的受托人, RADIX商业中心的创始董事, 政治与社会, and chairs the Restart Project – a campaigning charity tackling electronic waste and helping people to use their gadgets for longer.






After leaving the University of Liverpool in 1988 with a British Academy PhD in Modernist Literature, 安迪想直接改变学生们的生活, teaching the ‘hard to reach’ in further and higher education in the UK and USA.

富布赖特方案(1996年),2001年)将这种经历全球化, 之后,安迪领导了一个大型的创意艺术学院, 与BBC合作, 国家技能学院, 阿晨特报纸, 东艺局, 国家剧院和独立电视公司推动变革, 将学校建立为卓越中心.

In 2009 he became Deputy Dean for Partnerships and Enterprise in the Faculty of Arts, 安格利亚鲁斯金大学法律与社会科学专业, building external income until it was in the top 25% for UK Humanities Faculties. 安迪建立了一个由60多个国际合作伙伴组成的网络, 在五年内增加500名全职员工, and established a Northern European applied digital creative incubation network, 哪一个, 与索尼公司合作, Jagex, 和手臂, developed the EU’s largest live games jam (Brains Eden) and launched a £1 million European regional development funded applied gaming project, 反应堆, 跨越医疗技术, 健康, 幸福, 智慧城市.

为了支持这一点, Andy also developed a collaboration with Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences in Design Thinking, 成为了Cambridge Live的董事, 包括剑桥民俗节.

自从在巴斯水疗中心工作以来, 最初担任文学院院长, Andy has had the opportunity to further develop a range of 创新 projects leading to a promotion to Pro Vice Chancellor External in June 2019 and a Professorship in Creative and Social Enterprise in Spring 2020. 他在一家大型联合大学工作, local authority and business initiative; ISTART (Innovation Science Technology Arts Research Teaching) with pilot deliveries beginning back in Autumn 2020. 该项目现已完全建立,现称为富卫.

在过去三年担任副校长期间, Andy has established a new External Affairs Unit to drive marketing and communications, 以及新的业务发展. 后者由新的短期ca88官网组带头, 哪一个 has specialized in upskilling and reskilling over 1000 adults across demand areas from creative technology to sustainability to 健康care in new and varied formats. The Unit has also rapidly accelerated the University's relevance with a wide range of external stakeholders, aiding us to become substantial regional and national drivers in the application of creativity across all disciplines. FWD项目就是一个很好的例子, funded by the West of England Combined Authority in partnership with Bath University, 巴斯学院和70多个地区雇主. 另一个是安迪目前的主要项目, the foundation of the UK's first fully integrated National Centre for Fashion and Sustainability in partnership with the lead policy organisation, 时尚圆桌会议. 受政策变化驱动, the Fashion industry is in the vanguard of business model transformations that leave no discipline untouched and work at all levels- curriculum, 创新, 企业与科研. Our ambition is in partnership with Bath Fashion Museum to build something commensurate with this challenge.

www.bathspa.ac.英国/我们的人民/ andy-salmon




诺玛的战略经验, operations and finance and her passion for the creative industries has been gained over the last 25 years across the independent television and broadcast sectors.

诺玛目前是True North Productions的首席执行官(之前是首席运营官), 一家位于利兹的无剧本电视制作公司,隶属于天空电视台, 为英国主要广播公司制作节目.

Her broadcast experience was gained at Channel 4 working across their Indie Growth Fund, managing their investment portfolio of start-ups and medium-sized independent TV production businesses.

在加入第四频道之前, Norma held numerous finance roles at UK and US factual television production group Optomen Television and at Talkback Productions (part of Fremantlemedia group).

Norma is a CIMA qualified accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Cape Town. 她来自南非.


www.linkedin.com/in/norma wisnevitz - 5824 b93




凯蒂·惠兰 is Investment Director and Chief Financial Officer at Human Nature, 总部位于刘易斯的创新城市可持续发展开发商, 东苏塞克斯. 注册会计师职业上的注册会计师, her previous roles have included Director at Deutsche Bank Corporate Finance Division and London Chief Operating Officer for Aon, 保险经纪人.

Katy’s charitable and non-executive positions have included independent director at DV8 Sussex, 布莱顿的一所创意学院, 学校读书俱乐部的董事会主席, 哪一个 promotes reading and discussing books at primary and secondary schools, 也是布莱顿艺术空间的受托人, 为有心理健康问题的成年人提供工作室. 她还是布莱顿波特斯莱德学院的副主席.



www.linkedin.com/in/katy -惠兰- 8592927




Anna co-founded the CA88 in 2001 and has led the LFA as joint principal for the past two decades. She is dedicated to inspiring and nurturing new generations of filmmakers through an innovative approach and teaching methods.

Anna is also the mastermind behind many special educational programmes worldwide. 她热衷于性别平等, 行业的包容性和多样性, 和她的联合创始人一起, 于2017年推出了LFA先锋奖, 哪一个 provides a scholarship to an up-and-coming female filmmaker each year.

除了, 安娜制作和执行制作了数百部ca88app下载, 包括罗伯特·帕丁森和塔露拉·莱利主演的《CA88》, 达到了0.在英国iTunes销售排行榜上排名第一, USA and Canada) and a virtual reality film ‘The Empathy Machine’ (by an award-winning director Avril Furness). 她的完整学分列表可在 IMDB.

She was also named one of the 30 prominent Londoners with Polish roots featured in the ‘London Creatives: Polish Roots’ exhibition at the Museum of London (October 2009), 也是艺术学院的受托人 & 音乐慈善,康考迪亚基金会.


www.linkedin.61 - b2bb10 com/in/anna -麦克唐纳




黛西来自一个艺术家家庭, 作家和ca88app下载制作人, 并且在成长过程中尽可能多地花时间在ca88app下载院, 剪辑室和配音室. Although a maths graduate, Daisy decided not to pursue a career in numbers but to enter the film & 电视行业. 她发现她的基础是数学思想, 它将形式和模式与逻辑结合在一起, 提高了她自己的ca88app下载制作方法吗.

在为第四频道制作了四年的剧集之后, 然后简单介绍一下理查德·爱的ca88app下载《ca88官网》, 黛西决定重新做一名学生, 这是ca88app下载制作的时间. Unable to find a course that met her expectations, Daisy co-founded the LFA with 安娜·麦克唐纳. 除了共同管理LFA, 黛西制作并导演了三部短片, including 'The Summer House' (starring Robert Pattinson and Talulah Riley).


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